We’ve sorted through the top scientific and psychological research to help guide our choices and create a truly sensorial experience.
To evoke specific feelings, we tap into your five senses.
Smell: Aromatheraphy with Essential Oils
When essential oils are inhaled through the nose, tiny nerves send a signal to the brain that controls emotions.
There are over 90 unique essential oils that exist, each with their own identifiable aroma that cue specific feelings. Here’s the oils we use in our current line of products and why.
Touch: Warmth and Hydration
To tap into emotions, it’s important to feel safe. When humans feel social warmth—being around friends and loved ones—they feel less alone, which can be helpful to get through difficult challenges.
Studies have shown that bathing in warm water can replicate this social connection.
In addition to the feeling of warmth, we’ve incorporated high quality ingredients that leave your skin hydrated, helping you to feel more confident and comfortable.
Hearing: Music
Listening to music plays a large role in shifting and comforting our emotions. It even releases endorphins in the brain. With higher endorphin levels, we have fewer negative effects of stress.
Selecting music for the right mood.
Music has the ability to comfort us in the same way a friend can. So when curating our selection of music, we look at the different elements such as tempo, instruments and the story the lyrics tell.
Here's a sample of some of the music we feature in our playlists.
Sight: Reflection Visualization
Forming intentions and goals are necessary to direct individuals’ attention and effort towards the target outcome.¹
We’ve curated reflections that help you connect with yourself on a depper level based on three areas.
Out of this array of reflections, comes an opportunity to feel both your positive and negative feelings so that you have a fair baseline assesment and can take meaningful action to improve how you feel.
Past = Understanding
Present = Awareness
Future = Action
Taste: (We’re Working On This One)
To complete the full sensory experience, we’re working on how taste can play a role in evoking specific feelings. Stay tuned for our latest curation in this space.
The Science Behind Our Findings
We sorted through hundreds of unaffiliated studies to help guide our choices and create a truly sensorial experience. We’ve summed up the research for you, but here’s some of the studies that we found most helpful.
Find Your Soulo™ Experience
¹ Gollwitzer, 1993; 1999; Gollwitzer & Sheeran, 2006